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Internal Quality Assurance

Scope of the policy
This policy is provided for Virtual Internship Partners Ltd staff members who are delivering, assessing and internally quality assuring the qualifications as part of Ofqual/SQA accredited virtual internship delivery.

Location of the policy
This policy is available for all staff members, third parties and learners to access digitally and on the Virtual Internship Partners Ltd website.

Communication of the policy
It is important that staff involved in the management, delivery, assessment and quality assurance of accredited qualifications and learners undertaking these qualifications, are fully aware of the contents of the policy.
This policy is communicated to all staff as part of their induction into the innovations partnerships programs where this is applied.

Review of the policy
Virtual Internship Partners Ltd will review the policy annually and revise it as and when required in response to customer and stakeholder feedback, changes in practices, actions required by the awarding body(s) or changes in legislation. Our review will ensure that our procedures continue to be consistent with the regulatory criteria and are applied properly and fairly in arriving at judgements

Policy Statement
Internal quality assurance is a key part of Virtual Internship Partners Ltd internal systems
Internal quality assurance at Virtual Internship Partners Ltd is concerned with being accurate, consistent and ensuring all learners have access to quality assessments that are fair and are of a high quality, which results in achievements

Statement of Principles
Virtual Internship Partners Ltd will ensure all assessment and internal quality assurance activities conform to the qualification specification and awarding body(s) standards. We will ensure that all evidence is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient.
Virtual Internship Partners Ltd will produce a sampling plan detailing our internal quality assurance activities and monitor this on a regular basis. We will ensure that assessors meet on a regular basis to share good practice and identify areas for improvements. These meetings will be documented and actions monitored.
We will hold regular standardisation and team meetings with assessors, tutors and IQA’s. As a minimum these will be on a bi-monthly basis. The findings of these will be used to inform annual appraisals, and training and development needs. They will also be used to update centre staff on any qualification or Awarding Organisation information.
Example Standardisation Meeting Agenda:

  • Actions from previous standardisation meetings
  • Resources, H&S, E&D issues
  • Progression and achievement of learners
  • Examples of learners work to standardise
  • Good practice from assessors
  • Areas for improvements
  • Internal quality assurance reports
  • External quality assurance reports
  • AO and qualification updates

Virtual Internship Partners Ltd will monitor the quality of the qualifications and courses we offer. We will consider the quality of delivery, assessment decisions and judgements made and highlight issues, emerging trends and the development needs for assessors.
All assessment and sampling strategies will be agreed with the awarding bodies(s) and we will ensure that internal quality assurance drives the assessment process. We will keep reliable, up to date and auditable records of all internal quality assurance activities. These will be made available to awarding body(s) on request.
As part of Virtual Internship Partners Ltd internal quality procedures, assessors and tutors will be observed as a minimum of two times per year. All observations will be documented and actions agreed and monitored. If tutors or assessors are inexperienced or new to a particular qualification, they will be observed a minimum of four times per year.
We will ensure that all assessors, tutors and internal quality assurers who deliver and assess on the qualifications we offer are suitably qualified and experienced.
All centre staff members will receive access to regular, continuous professional development (CPD) which will be documented centrally.